Back in Form in 2022

Wonk Unit 2022

My fuckin head is still working!!!!!
Truely amazing to feel human again. Guess what? I’VE FINISHED THE MERCH!!!!!! HOOOORAY!!!

The post office won’t have to see my apologetic face every day for a while!!!

Thank you all for being patient. Time to move forward, gotta get the webshop updated, there’s some sick stuff I haven’t been able to put up until I’d cleared the backlog of orders caused by Uncle Daddy arriving over 6 months late and stuff out of my control in my home life.

I’ve done a big interview with Jugs on his Spotify Podcast, take a listen here.

Also, LOOK AT THESE DATES!!!!! There’s another tour in June we are waiting on announcing with some American Friends yay.

Lastly, SUPER STOKED to be coming to Ireland next week. Yesterday’s drama got sorted!!! Love you all soooo much. Alex x

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