Time : 8pmVenue : Strawberry Fair
Address : Midsummer Common, North Cambridge
Strawberry Fair is an annual free-to-enter, volunteer-run festival of music and arts in Cambridge. It’s been running for over 40 years and will be taking place this year on Saturday 4th June on Midsummer Common, Cambridge.
When and Where is it?
Strawberry Fair takes place on Midsummer Common in Cambridge on the First Saturday of June. For 2016, this will be Saturday 4th June.
How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing! It is our strong belief that all music and entertainment should be provided free of charge to the general public. We fund raise throughout the year to do so and your donations really support us to do this.
Rebel Arts Radio are embracing this years Strawberry Fair theme of Wild-Life and the bandstand stage will become “Pond Life”, a murky pool of the darkest local and seasoned underwater acts. We are also very pleased to be joined this year by marine conservationists and relentless pirate campaigners Sea Shepherd!
This is the forth year that RAR have been running this stage and we are looking forward to making it even better. As always these things do not run on their own and we are always looking for people to come and join the crew and lend a hand. You can do as little or as much as you like; from the setup to the take down there are plenty of tasks to help with. Please get in contact if can spare some time.
12:00 The Scissors
13:00 The MacGreggors
14:00 The Seven Twenty
15:00 Psychic Lemon
16:00 The SG’s
17:00 Beverley Kills
18:00 Freedom Faction
19:00 Keltrix
20:00 Wonk Unit
21:00 AOS3