Wonk Unit

Wonk are on fire, without question the strongest line up of musicians and silliest bunch of assholes ever. We all want this, everyone is pulling in the same direction these days.

Touring is a joy. I live vicariously through “the kids”, drummer Max and Vezzy. Looking back, the turning point for Wonk was when they joined 4 odd years ago. I’ve watched the pair of them grow every fuckin gig into the bad ass professional musicians they are today.
Max should be session drumming, i promise you he won’t disappoint if you use him for recording.

I am so proud of Vezzy. Her songwriting makes me feel sick it’s so good, like, i wish I’d written those songs. Our voices work soooo well together, she makes me sound like am angel which makes me very happy.

We have TWO guitars now, AJ is my behind the scenes rock and skateboard buddy, the reliable foundation of our live sound that creats the solid rhythmic wall. I don’t give AJ enough credit when I’m prancing about like an asshole on stage but BELIEVE I’d miss him if he wasn’t there, also i never have to worry about him woofing the beaks and blazing the hash of weeds which makes me love him even more.

Ryan is so totally insane, like TOTALLY INSANE on guitar that i burst out laughing at the absurdity of his genius most gigs.

Then there’s that old reliable workhouse, my bestest, most cherished silly friend Pwosion. As long as that dusty bin keeps turning up to gigs then i’ll keep smiling. The James Bond of punk rock, the secret agent, the funniest most beautiful soul in the history of punk rock.

I love you all guys. Thanks for doing this journey with me, i know I’m bonkers but I’m pretty sure we have the bestest fun ever right?

Then there’s YOU, our lovely extended Wonk family. Without you we are nothing. You’re continued support of my fucked up life is NEVER taken for granted. I genuinely love you and thank you with all my heart.
